In the year 1222 the Abbey of St. Mary’s Titchfield was founded by Henry III who granted the Manor of Titchfield to Peter des Roches, a Poitou ecclesiastic who came to
England from France as a favourite of King John. The Abbey was built of stone from the Isle of Wight and a colony of White Canons from the
Worcestershire Abbey of Halesowen were invited to settle there.

The Castle Today

While staying at the Abbey in 1393 King Richard II and his Queen, Anne of Bohemia, were presented with a petition of grievances from the local inhabitants, strongly denouncing war and oppressive taxations, also pressing for an account of expenditure.

Two years after his accession to the throne, Henry V stayed at Titchfield Abbey on his way to France. He sailed on August 11th, 1415 with a small force, probably from Southampton or Portchester, Landing at Harfleur, he marched after its capture to Calais and finally on October 16th, won a brilliant victory at Agincourt.

Thirty years later Henry VI journeyed to Titchfield Abbey from Winchester to await the arrival of his future bride, Margaret of Anjou. The nearby Anjou bridge is named after her.
Early in 1538 the Monastery was dissolved. Many trades then flourishing in the Titchfield district had been taught and fostered by the kindly brethren and it was with dismay that the peasants watched the brothers depart carrying their humble bundles of belongings.

Many alterations and additions made to Titchfield Abbey were probably completed in the year 1542 when Thomas Wriothesley was pardoned for having fortified his Manor house of Titchfield without licence. Three years later he was created Earl of Southampton for services rendered, possibly in connection with the divorce of the King Henry VIII.
Great pomp and ceremony surrounded the visit of Queen Elizabeth 1 in 1569 with a splendid retinue to Place House which had been added to the Abbey, and according to Leland who visited it in 1542 “Mr. Wriothesley hath builded a ryghte statelie House embatlid”. The Queen’s host Henry Wriothesley, second Earl of Southampton, welcomed the Royal Guest and ordered entertain- ment befitting the occasion. It was his son who, many years later, was arrested and confined in the Tower of London for twelve years, by Queen Elizabeth’s orders. He was a close friend of William Shakespeare who dedicated some of his works to the Earl and Countess, taking great delight in visits to their family seat.

Another distinguished visitor was Charles I who sought shelter while awaiting his messengers from the Isle of Wight but due to their betrayal, Colonel Hammond, Governor of the Island came to
Place House and arrested Charles, taking him across the Solent in a small boat and thence as prisoner to Carisbrooke.

Th little bridge still remains over the canal by the Meon River where Charles embarked and has been known since as Hammonds’ Bridge.
It is part of the farm occupied by Bro. Steve Harris, the original founder of this Lodge

The Bugle Hotel

Extracts taken from the minutes of the first meeting held at the ‘Bugle Hotel’ Titchfield 5th April 1967.

Meeting commenced at 8.20pm 5th April 1967 in the club room with W.Bro. R.G Nobes P.P.J.G.D.P. Master Duke of Connaught Lodge 1834 in the chair.

Present were;

W.Bro. A. Wilkins PPAGDC P. Master Albert Edward Lodge 1780 W.Bro. G.H Paterson St Dennys Lodge 7383 Wor. M
Bro. D Sanders Duke of Connaught Lodge 1834 M.M Bro. A J Clark Lodge of Harmony No309 J.W
Bro. L Howell Landport Lodge No1776 M.M Bro. J Munce Landport Lodge No1776 M.M
Bro. J Hawkins Prince of Wales Lodge 1705 M.M Bro.T Hatfull Union of Waterloo Lodge No13 M.M Bro D Benstead Lee Britton Lodge No5782 M.M
Bro. D Upshall Duke of Connaught Lodge No1834 M.M Bro. G.White St Christopher’s Lodge No7919 S.D
Bro. I. F Eaton Lodge of Harmony No309 Treasurer Bro. D Chase Lodge of Harmony No309 M.M
Bro. H Morgan Lodge of Hope No2153 M.M
Bro. F Carpenter Woolmer Forest Lodge No3872 Bro. S Harris Duke of Connaught Lodge No1834 M.M Bro. E Draper Lodge of Harmony No309
The Chairman explained that a meeting of Master Masons had previously been held at an earlier date to ascertain if a new lodge was required in the district and as a result, the present meeting had been called.

To qualify as a founder member a brother must have been a Master Mason for three months and there must be sufficient members interested to justify a petition.

He then asked how many present would qualify.
The Chairman then asked how many present were prepared to be founders if the fee was between ten and seventy guineas and the subscription four to five guineas per year. All accepted.
Bro J. Hawkins and Bro S Harris read names of brethren who had expressed interest.

The Chairman said that as there were twenty to twenty five brethren interested.

The Duke of Connaught Lodge was prepared to be a sponsor and the matter could therefore go forward.

He further said that the Lodge would be known as the Titchfield Abbey Lodge.

A short discussion then took place regarding appointment of executive officers and first appointments were:
Bro J. Hawkins Secretary
W. Bro. A. Wilkins PPAGDC Director of Ceremonies Bro. H Morgan Junior Warden
and Bro. D Sanders Inner Guard

The Chairman suggested that a donation of ten shillings per head would assist the treasurer to meet various commitments until the new Lodge came into being.

W. Bro. G Paterson reigning Master of St. Denny’s Lodge was asked if he would accept the office of first Worshipful Master and he expressed his thanks for the honour conferred on him.

W. Bro Nobbs promptly vacated the chair in favour of the Worshipful Master designate.

Bro S. Harris said he had made enquires of the secretary of Fareham Masonic Hall and the only vacant dates are the third Wednesday, fourth Tuesday or fourth Friday in each month.

W. Bro Nobbs said that this appeared to be as far as the meeting could go at the moment and suggested that a sub-committee be appointed at the next meeting, to wait on the Provincial Grand Secretary at Hampshire Terrace for guidance in preparing a petition etc,.

The meeting closed at 9.40pm.

Extracts from the second meeting held; Bugle Hotel, Titchfield, 21 April 1967

Worshipful Bro Paterson said that it was not possible to use Masonic Hall Fareham on the forth Friday of each month and therefore they would be held on the third Wednesday.

Bro Hawkins, Treasurer, asked if it was necessary to hold nine meetings, after discussions, seven meetings were agreed.

W. Bro. Wilkins Director of Ceremonies said that the ritual used would be a modified form of Emulation.

Worshipful Bro. Paterson asked the Secretary to read the list of Officers already appointed, asked the Brethren present if any wished to take the vacant offices. After discussion the majority of the vacancies were filled.

They are;
Worshipful Master W. Bro. G Paterson Senior Warden Bro J. Munce
Junior Warden Bro H. Morgan
Chaplain W. Bro. H. Notton
Treasurer Bro. J. Hawkins
Secretary Bro. V. Eaton
Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. A. Wilkins P.P.A.G.D.C Almoner W. Bro. J. Hamptson P.P.Gd.Std.B
A. D. C. Bro. A Freemantle
Inner Guard Bro. D. Sanders
Stewards Bro. J. Hanson, Bro D Benstead, Bro. J. Peterkin.
Tyler Progressive officer.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm.

Founders of the Lodge

Masters of the Lodge 1967 - 2020