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We would be delighted to add them to this page. Please see Bro. Bryan Mussell or W. Bro. Paul Veck for advice and help.
Officers of the Lodge 1984 – 1985
Worshipful Master: D J Benstead
I/G: Bro. A Stickler S/D: Bro. L J Woodard S/W: Bro. A R T Jeffries J/W: Bro. D G Stickland
J/D: Bro. KT Hodge Ty: Bro. A P Bell
E/A: Bro. P J Benstead ADC: W. Bro. Parrett C/S: W. Bro. Diaper Sec: W. Bro. D Freemantle Chap: W. Bro. Mew
D/C: W Bro. Sanders Alm: bro. S P Harris E/A: Bro. Lavender
Treas: W. Bro. J R Jeffery IPM: W. Bro. D Eames Ass/S: W. Bro. Wilkins
Stewarts: Bro. Pennicott, Bro. Hignell, Bro. S Brown, Bro. Wagstaff, Bro. Jerome, Bro. I R McGuire, Bro. Clarke